OCP Group

OCP Group is a leading, global producer of phosphate and fertilizer. An African company headquartered in Casablanca, Morocco, OCP was founded in 1920 to manage Morocco’s phosphate reserves – which OCP continues to do today as its core business while striving to maximize this precious resource’s potential through investing in industries such as education, innovation, and engineering to create shared value. Building on nearly 100 years of agricultural knowledge and expertise, OCP is committed to being a globally responsible company in all that it does, focusing on sustainable agriculture solutions that help Africa feed itself, so the continent helps feed a growing world.
The purpose and mission of OCP is to “maximize the positive impact of phosphorus”. The company’s Phosphate Stewardship Policy underlines its strong commitment to sustainably managing Morocco’s phosphate resource and is aligned with the UN’s 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals – specifically SDG 12: “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”.
OCP has been a founding member of the Sustainable Phosphorus Alliance – the North American forum for the sustainable use, recovery and recycling of phosphorus in the food system – since it was founded in 2016. OCP became a member of ESPP in 2021.
Sustainable phosphate management is applied within every aspect of the business: across OCP’s operations and sites; through product innovation and in R&D on re-working and recycling of phosphate resources; through its work with farmers around the world and the application of customized fertilizers; and in the development of technologies at its Mohammed VI Polytechnic University to uncover previously unviable phosphate reserves. The amount of viable phosphate reserve in Morocco has been increased by a third as a result.
OCP is leading efforts to study and develop means to effectively recycle phosphorus after its initial use to reduce the amount of mined phosphate required to produce the same quantity of food. Research into this field, as well as efforts to develop fertilizers made primarily from organic waste, are the next step in extending global phosphorus supplies beyond their present state and as such, OCP is constantly innovating and improving its operations through extensive research initiatives.
In Africa, OCP has worked with more than one million farmers to educate on the importance of sustainable fertilizer application to maximize yields while also preserving the integrity of the soil. This is the ‘4R’ approach of applying the right fertilizer, at the right rate, at the right time, in the right place. In the past fifteen years, OCP Group has heavily invested in innovation and R&D to develop more than forty customized fertilizer formulas for maximum efficiency and sustainable application, and to explore new technologies and products such as biostimulants and slow release among others, with the objective of an optimal consumption of the Phosphate resource.
Contact details
Website: https://www.ocpgroup.ma/fr